Kate McKinnon is a legend in the comedy world for her hilarious parodies and accurate impersonations of other popular celebrities. In 2012, she joined Saturday Night Live and has become the longest-serving female cast member on the show.
Over the years, she has played several characters and has impressed millions of viewers with her uproarious renditions. The talented comedian has won numerous awards and is loved by fans around the world.
McKinnon was introduced to SNL by her father Michael Berthold, when she was just 12 years old. She found compulsion in comedy and has not stopped creating amazing comic videos ever since. Today, the comedian's estimated net worth amounts to $6 million, thanks to her successful career in the entertainment industry. She first loved music before turning to acting as a professional career.
Her first television series, ‘Big Gay Sketch Show’, went for three seasons. She was later featured on "Hudson Valley Ballers", "Vag Magazine", "My Best Day", "We Have to Stop Now", "Concierge: The Series", "Hannah Has a Ho Phase", and "I Wanna Have Your Baby." McKinnon has provided voices for "The Venture Bros" and "Robotomy."