Stressed out? 9 Simple Tricks to Eliminate Depression and Heal your Inflammation Today!
It’s a given that you’ll feel blue at some point in your life. Whether its work or health-related, all that stress can eventually lead to depression and a myriad of health problems. That being said, how do you handle such a situation? Do you just sit by the fireplace lamenting about your decisions and the path that your life is going?
Though that might sound like the most plausible decision, it’s certainly not the healthiest. The more you ignore the inner depression, the greater it manifests as a misfortune in your life. In turn, this can even translate to a series of health problems, with inflammation being the most prominent.
Keeping this in mind, here are a few quick and effective tips that you can use to ensure that you overcome your depression and inflammation caused by all the pressure and stress.
Depression is a widespread illness in America, affecting over 16 million Americans
Incorporate fermented food into your diet
Yes, you read right.
According to the boys in lab coats, looks like there’s a complex connection between mood, inflammation and gut health. So turns out when your start eating fermented foods, this will serve to increase the number of helpful bacteria in your gut. Hence, tackling the inflammation! Which brings forth the next tip…
Incorporate probiotics as well
The importance of probiotics cannot be stressed enough. That’s because a healthy gut inadvertently results to a happier you. Hence, supplementing with high-quality probiotics will help increase the levels of microbiomes in your gut. This, in turn, will result in reduced gut problems and inflammation. As a rule of thumb, do research on the different probiotics out there before making the right selection.
Have plenty of omega-3 fats in your diet
Over the years, scientists have discovered the magnificent wonders that Omega 3 has on the body. As a matter of fact, supplements containing fish oil products such as Omega 3 fatty acids contain important nutrients required for serotonin production. As you know, serotonin is the happy hormone and has been known to counter the effects of stress and depression.
Incorporate the likes of deeply pigmented vegetables such as cherries and beets to your diet
Yeah, beets might not be the sweetest foods out there, but they come packed with a number of health benefits. One of the major benefits of veggies, cherries, and beets is that they contain a high amount of antioxidants. In turn, these substances aid in the neutralization of free radicals and further counter the effects that oxidative stress has on the body.
In turn, you lessen the chances of developing chronic diseases. That’s not all, the fact that there is the elimination of free radicals and oxidation stress means that your brain is in a much better mood.
As a matter of fact, recent research has shown that oxidative stress is strongly linked to the occurrence of depressive disorders.
Use more ginger, onions, and garlic in your diet!
This epic trio is no doubt one of the most effective natural ways of combating inflammation. Heck, you can call it the three musketeers of anti-inflammatory properties! *cringe*
That being said, a number of research studies carried out on mice have shown that garlic has significant antidepressant properties. Though there’s not been significant research done on humans, hopefully, these similar properties will be translated as well.
Yes, add black pepper and turmeric as well to the diet!
If inflammation is the enemy, then you can’t go to war without having your handy turmeric by your side. In fact, adding the likes of turmeric and black pepper in your diet releases a highly potent anti-inflammatory compound on your body.
Additionally, you can choose to supplement with curcumin which has just as potent inflammatory compounds as turmeric.
Last but not least, get some vitamin D
No doubt Vitamin D has a myriad of health benefits. In fact, a study has strongly linked that individuals that suffer from a number of mental disorders tend to have lower levels of Vitamin D as compared to normal individuals.
Experts have also strongly linked that a deficiency in Vitamin D also leads to seasonal depression. So to get your daily dose of Vitamin D, you can always bask out in the sun or purchase some Vitamin D supplements.