Here Are The Surprising Ways Your ‘Attachment Style’ Can Affect How Well You May Do at Work
In psychotherapy, there is an importance placed on the childhood experiences that a patient has. This is because of the belief that the problems and issues that one faces as an adult are in some ways a result of their past. One theory that expounds on these thoughts is attachment theory.
The theory states that a strong attachment, whether it’s physical or emotional, to a primary caregiver is one crucial part of a person’s development and affects their relationships with other people as an adult.
Nuances brought by differing attachment styles can also be observed in the professional relationships one develops in the workplace. Read on to find out how the different attachment styles do at work.
Secure Attachment & Competency
Secure attachment styles would benefit from putting their energy and time into something that they are passionate about
People have a secure attachment style tend to have healthy and stable relationships with their colleagues. In fact, one study done on female workers found that secure attachment styles find themselves relatively more content with their job.
Generally, employees in this group who work in jobs that are a great fit for them will also feel secure and competent with their position and are much likely to mesh well with coworkers.
Anxious Attachment & Worrying
Anxious attachment styles gravitate towards promoting ‘group effectiveness’ thanks to their heightened awareness of nuances in dynamics among people
Meanwhile, people with an anxious style of attachment will likely deal with anxiety regarding their relationships in and out of work. This may mean putting much thought into making sure that everybody else around them is satisfied with their work performance. Thus, they put importance on fitting in with their coworkers. They may also struggle with the constant fear of being fired.
Avoidant Attachment & Independence
Avoidant attachment styles tend to have high self-esteem and are able to work without instructions from other people
Unlike anxious attachment styles, people with an avoidant attachment style put a prime on their ability to be independent of others. Thus, they may also avoid socializing with them by wanting to work by themselves. Not surprisingly, this attitude can get them in trouble at work, too.
According to one study, women who belong in this attachment group tend to not have quality relationships with their supervisors. They can remedy this problem by making a conscious effort to connect on a personal level with their colleagues. This can be done even with small gestures like not wearing earphones while working or keeping one’s office door open as a sort of unspoken sign that one is free to talk.
At the end of the day, each attachment style has its own strengths and weaknesses in the professional arena. The important thing is to recognize which one a person is and make efforts to improve on their strengths while addressing challenges as well.