Most people tend to go over their budget when shopping for the holiday season
Once the holiday season is over and Christmas spirit begins to wear off, it’s time to face the reality of a dwindling bank account and a rather-long credit card statement that may take away an entire paycheck – or two – to pay off.
Most consumers tend to go overboard with their holiday spending when buying presents for family and friends. But if your recent credit card statement is getting you stressed out, we have some good news for you: there are a few ways that you can recoup your spending and get some quick cash to back some of the money you owe to your bank.
Sell Your Old Devices
You may have hundreds of dollars lying around your house in the form of electronic gadgets that aren’t in use
Holidays are the perfect season to get rid of your old technology and replace it with the shiny new things you got in presents. We know you’ve been wanting that new iPhone X for a while, and if your loved ones managed to pick up on your hints and got you a brand new Apple device, you can sell off your old one to make some quick cash. A research from showed that most people have over $264 worth of tech devices that they do not use – why not get rid of it and get some money for it in return?
There are several websites like eBay and Amazon where you can put up an ad for the item you’d like to sell and get instant responses from potential buyers. If you have a few faulty devices lying around in the storage with broken screens or other defects, tech buy-back websites like can give you a good offer.
Sell Those Unused Gift Cards Too
People who are bad at giving real Christmas presents often resort to gift cards – which aren’t as bad as you may think. If you have a stack of these unused plastic cards which you probably won’t end up using, you can sell them for a good price on websites like and These websites won’t give you the full price for your gift cards but it is still better than chucking them in the trash can.
Dividends and Rewards on Insurance Policy
Most people tend to make changes in their insurance policy at the end of each year and if you’re one of those who switched insurance companies after the open enrollment just ended, you may want to check with the new company to see if they offer any cash rewards or dividends that you could benefit from.
Several insurance companies like Oscar are coming up with unique ways to make their participants happy and one of the incentives they’re offering is $1 in Amazon credit for each day that you achieve your daily step target. The company offers up to $240 per year so you can make some money and lose weight at the same time! Most insurance companies also offer refunds to participants if they took out fewer insurance claims than predicted.
Sign Up for a Side Gig
Even simple tasks like looking after a pet or babysitting can earn you decent amount of money without spending too much time
If you’re already working full-time, getting a second job to pay back some of your bills seems highly impractical. But you can find certain side gigs that require very little commitment such as babysitting and dog-walking.
If you have a car and don’t mind driving people around or running their errands for money, you can also sign up with Uber, Lyft or Postmates for a lucrative side-business. There are several other online platforms where you can use your skills to good use and earn a decent amount of money from it. TaskRabbit is a great bet if you’re a gifted handyman who knows how to put together furniture.