You must be familiar with simple money-saving tips such as bringing your lunch, buying your items from seasonal sales or shutting off all your unnecessary switches at home. This explains that just anyone can easily save money with proper planning and discipline. But here are more creative ways to save for the long run and finally achieve those savings goals that seemed out of reach:
Raisin - Finance Stock Images/ Flickr | A penny saved is worth two pennies earned
Join loyalty programmes:
Loyalty cards are provided by major chains of stores or restaurants and can grant you access to member-only specials and manufacturers coupons. For example, Whole Food provides its customers with premium membership and sale on 40 sale items if they are subscribed to Amazon Prime. Similarly, such loyalty cards can help you save your money on gas, food, retail market and even shopping.
Plan your weekly meal:
This may sound boring but once you try it you’ll realise that you can gain more control over your food intake and cravings and save hundreds of bucks every day. Sit down by the end of every week and plan out your meals according to your groceries. This would help eliminate excessive grocery shopping and letting takeouts go to waste in your fridge. More importantly, you will spend less on tax and tips that you would have to pay in a diner.
Harrison Weber/ Flickr | A wallet-friendly spending can never go wrong
Get student discounts:
If you are a student then you have a good chance to enjoy free items and special discounts at food chains and brands. Even entertainment platforms such as Amazon Prime, Spotify and Hulu have separate student bundles that are quite cheaper than the usual discount deals.
Delay gratification:
Artem Beliaikin/ Pexels | Buy more through sales to spend less and save more
Develop a 48-hour rule to prevent impulse buying. Before logging in to your account number for online shopping or swiping your card at a retail store, ask yourself if you really “need” the item. Don’t spend your money on luxurious items you could easily live without. The 48-hour rule may even help you to find a similar product at a much cheaper cost.
Pay off your debts or loans:
Get into the habit of clearing all your debts, loans or mortgage as soon as possible. If you own your house then try to get a lower mortgage deal for it with a low-interest rate. Similarly, switch your credit cards to a lower interest rate to help you save more than spending on extra and unnecessary expenses.
DIY projects:
Gift items that you could have easily made at home or other purchases and items that you could have made yourself with a little bit of skill development can save up the additional cost you’ve to spend on your family and friends. Apps such as Pinterest help you find more creative, easier and cheaper ways to express your love through hand-made gifts. After all people appreciate personalised gift items, so feel free to play creative for birthday gifts, housewarming gifts, Christmas etc.