Many family businesses turn out to become the source of failed companies as well as relationships when it comes to thinking about the tensions that begin to rise between the founding generations’ will to hold on to the control of the business and the eagerness that the next generation’s leader has to take over.
The problem usually arises because the founder finds trouble trusting that the new generation will be able to take responsibility for the business while the new generation fails to see the empowerment in it. This, in turn, causes a deadlock, putting the family business at risk while ruining family harmony. According to research, this situation is faced by more than 2,500 families, which is why today we have listed some tips that will help family businesses to transition smoothly into the next generation.
Accept The Perspectives Of The New Generation
Putting an effort to understand the views of the upcoming generation encourages a sense of collaboration culture, allowing them to figure out how they might be able to give to the business and their career and personal aspirations. Taking part in these conversations stimulates a sense of transparency, trust, and alignment between one another. The foundation to creating a successful plan is by sharing values to codesign a common purpose. This is especially important between generations.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Pexels | Accepting the perspective of the successor can help with their confidence and increase their chances of success.
Working Together To Design Standards For Readiness
One of the main concerns of the founding generation is whether their heir is ready to take over the family business or not. This is evaluative as it had been shown through research that around 25% of transitions failed due to the unreadiness of the next generation. Both generations must work together to figure out how to be ready. This helps both parties to align and gain confidence in the new generation's ability to take control.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator/Pexels | Teaching the heir about readiness can help the founding generation align with the mindset of the successor.
Support Generational Unity
Something that can help the new generation fit smoothly into the business is having them engage in it from a young age and for the founding generation to have an ongoing conversation with them about joining the family business at some point. Doing so can help lay a strong, secure foundation to ensure a fortunate transition. Creating bonds among generations and negotiating win-win plans to work with the family business is what helps in a successful transition.
Gustavo Fring/Pexels | Talking about the business from a young age can help in a smooth transition