The Tesla Model 3 is an electric car that spews perfection. So much so that it recently garnered an impressive five-star rating in terms of safety by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Safety Recognition
So what does this mean for Tesla? Certainly, an impressive feat, considering that all of their manufactured vehicles have been given a five-star rating by the agency.
That is, both the Model X utility vehicle, as well as the sedan Model S have been awarded this prestigious rating from the agency too.
In fact, the Model 3 has also seen its share of five-star ratings coming from other prestigious firms too. For instance, when it came to crash prevention testing, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety awarded the Model 3 a superior rating, a rating awarded to very few vehicle types by the agency.
The Model 3 has been awarded 5-stars by NTHSA when it comes to its safety rating
It’s Not Always Been a Bed of Roses for the Model 3
However, as much as the car has received positive ratings, it has gotten its share of criticism as well. For instance, the largely revered Consumer Reports at first was skeptical about recommending the vehicle to consumers, stating that the vehicle’s stopping distance was less than that of its contemporaries.
In fact, the consumer watch website compared the Model 3 to owning a full-size pick p truck. However, after Tesla heard of these comments, they proceeded to fix all these issues by creating a software update that rectified these issues, prompting Consumer Report to eventually recommend the Model 3
Moreover, the Model 3 has also faced a lot of criticism regarding the Autopilot driver system that it has employed, with many individuals noting that the car has been involved in quite a number of high-profile accidents. These even led to the NHTSA opening an inquiry to these accusations regarding severe crashes.
Indeed, there has been a lot of talk about the ‘production hell’ process that Tesla’s Cep has frequently talked about. As a matter of fact, the company has missed a lot of its targets by quite a number of months as it strived to improve its production output.
In fact, during the end of the second quarter, Tesla stated that it had a production of about 5000 Model 3’s per week, a goal that it had poised to make by the end of 2017.
That being said, as production increases, the company has been faced by a myriad of issues. As a matter of fact, Elon Musk recently responded to a massive customer plaint on social media platform Twitter that the company is going through a difficult time in terms of maintaining its logistics.
The Tesla Model 3 has also received positive ratings from other companies regarding its safety standards
Tesla Model 3 Amazing Features
Despite some dim remarks, the Tesla model 3 is certainly a car with impressive features. So it’s no surprise it has bagged such a prestigious accolade in such a short period of time. In fact, one of the features that really make it stand out is that it has a minimalist interior with minimal buttons. Such a smile design makes it easier for individuals of just about any age to drive it.
Secondly, the fact that nearly all of the vehicle’s functions run through its infotainment system first makes it easier for owners to avoid any instances of disorganization with the car’s functioning and navigation.
Another captivating feature with the Model 3 is that the internet streaming radio, as well as the Model FM, were all developed in-house by Tesla. In turn, they sound totally great, particularly because their development was not rushed.
A Car Worth the Buy
One of the key features that have made the Model 3 quite popular is its high-tech 15-inch display
Additionally, because the Model 3 does not have a switchgear and buttons, its steering wheel has two scrolls that serve to be used for a multitude of tasks from adjusting one’s mirrors all the way to changing the volume.
Moreover, another impressive feature about the 15-inch display found within the Model 3 is that its backup camera has quite impressive clarity to be able to show you the rear view and all its occurrences with clarity.
Is the weather a bit too hot for you to drive comfortably? Thankfully, the Model 3 has concealed air events, apart from the regular air vents that one normally sees in a car, these ones are located within the narrow crevice that runs the whole length of the vehicle’s dash. So you rest assured of double the cooling without having to purchase custom vents at your dealer.