Coronavirus is an unending spree of death and illness. Thus, entire economies are shutting down in response to the global lockdown imposed, and consequently, reduced demand. This has caused a cyclical reaction in the employment industry, where people are getting laid off, resulting in a further reduction in the Gross National Income of the economy, which in return is triggering the businesses to cut down on more of their workforce.
What a disappointing state of affairs!
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Some job markets have entirely been wiped out due to the unusual conditions set by the coronavirus. Some of these industries include school transport providers, receptionists, and daycare overlookers. It does not mean that these industries will never see a resurgence.
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However, it is incumbent that you equip yourself with good employment opportunities in the present by following these tips:
1. Learn new skills
Spend this time building up your skill-set in line with the latest market trends. There is an increasing demand for software developers and coding experts. It will be a skill worth acquiring for the latest generation. Consider this a golden opportunity on hand. If you are unemployed and have spare time, try and register yourself for any of the free online courses that teach these essential skills.
2. Search for jobs through online platforms
Search for jobs through any of the online platforms like Indeed and Ziprecruiter. Filter your search results based on the latest entries. You will garner more results and a higher chance of gaining employment if you pitch yourself forward for the jobs that have been recently added to the database.
3. Do not be picky
Earlier, you might have turned down jobs because they did not meet your standards or did not pay out well enough. However, now is not the time for being choosy. Go for any job that comes your way because your future employer would be interested in knowing that you have survival powers and are willing to show humility rather than being snotty and rigid even when it comes to survival. It is better to be employed at a lower salary than be unemployed.
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Take Away
Just this month, the US jobless claim surged by 853,000. If someone near you is among these unemployed people, hold hope because it does not mean that you are doomed to a life of misery and unemployment. Just recognize this increase in unemployment as a normal phase in the cycle of life. In fact, make an excessive effort in rebuilding yourself according to the new pattern in the economy.