“How can I make my resume outshine others?” Every working professional has faced this dilemma at least once. If you have too, cheer up, because we have the answer in this post.
An impressive resume reflects your skills and achievements; there’s no doubt about that. But have you ever realized that a resume generally conveys your technical skills and nothing else? There's a lot more to your personality that it can reveal, but that’s possible only if it’s created with that vision.
Have a look at the below-mentioned tips, which can help you draft a resume that conveys your technical and soft skills in such a way that you stand out.
Unsplash | Modern hiring managers look for more than just tech skills in a candidate
Understand what transferable skills are
Transferable skills are the soft skills that go beyond technical know-how. Abilities that set you apart, such as leadership, management, mentoring, and effective collaboration fall under this category. These skills aren’t bound to one sector; they add value to different roles. Even beginners have soft skills such as interpersonal relationship development, learning capacity, and more.
Experience isn’t the only thing
We’ve all heard things like “showcase your experience, it matters a lot.” While that is true, it isn’t the complete truth. Employers crave for more. If you have the best combination of skills required for an industry, you will undoubtedly make it through. But more importantly, the attitude and culture-fit is what companies look for these days. That’s why we recommend you mention all the details of your soft-skills as well. A good portrayal of both, your experience and your transferable skills is important.
Read – Succeed By These Skills in the Post COVID Business World
Unsplash | To ensure your resume catches an employers eyes, it should portray your personality and attitude
Prioritize on highlighting your personality
This might sound just like the previous point but bear with us. You might get a few tips here too.
When it comes to hiring the “ideal” candidate, a company looks for a person who has a personality that can enhance the overall work culture and add value to the organization. If you prove to be a good fit in that respect, congratulations are in order. That's why we’d urge you to highlight your personality in the resume. Let the hiring manager know that you’re the best candidate for the role. And don't miss to add personality traits like flexibility, eagerness to adapt, and a proactive attitude. They always make a good impression.
Create a dedicated section for soft skills
Some sections are common in every resume – educational background, profile, and work experience. If those are the only subheads you’re portraying; you’re giving employers what they already have loads of. Why not give them something eye-catching? Create a separate section in your resume to highlight your transferable skills. Provide needful details about them, making it easier for the recruiter to analyze.
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Unsplash | Your resume should have a dedicated section highlighting your soft skills
Final words
Among the adversities of this global pandemic, securing jobs can be challenging. But with every difficulty comes increased responsibility. You need to change your usual way of doing things. Make through with an updated resume and a little bit of confidence, of course, and you’ll surely succeed.