Everyone wants to believe that they are invincible. The reality, however, is always in much contrast to it.
Obviously, you are not perfect, but, a heartwarming piece of news is that no one expects perfection from you. When an employer looks forward to hiring you, they expect you to fit in congenially with their staff that is lacking only a piece of the puzzle. In fact, if you are an all-rounder, it won't be easy to forge a vacancy for you. You may be perfect in yourself, but that means you may not need or want the assistance of anybody else. You may be deemed unsuitable for teamwork and group projects.
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With that in mind, here are some professional tips for answering the question about your strengths and weaknesses aptly at your next round of interviews to help you come across as the perfect fit for the company.
- Assess Your Strength Through Second Party
It is no surprise that if left to you, you will be biased in your own assessment. That does not necessarily mean that you will overestimate yourself. It may also be that in consciously trying to avert overmarking your accomplishments, you, in turn, underestimate yourself and cut down on your strengths by being modest.
Thus, ask your old boss or mentor to analyze your greatest skills and achievements. You would do even better if you ask this question from more than three people. Then seek similarities between their assessment and confidently put them forward as your strengths. You will also find suitable evidence to back up your statement if you duel on it.
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- Own Your Weakness
As contradictory as it sounds, knowing your weakness means you know your Achilles heel, and consequently, you can make a conscious effort to strengthen that skill of yours and make it into your forte.
Your interviewer would be keenly interested in knowing your efforts to overcome your weaknesses and overpowered your soft spot. An invested employer may himself undertake the responsibility to help you excel in the domain you earlier found yourself lacking.
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Be straightforward about your strengths and weaknesses. However, do not exhibit pride in what you excel in and do not show shame in what you failed to master. Embrace them both as the bowl aspects of your professional career.