Let's be honest, the pandemic and post-pandemic era was not a good, at least for employees. From mass resignation to quiet quitting, we have all been there. Throughout the year, employees struggled with switching jobs. The aftermath of the pandemic still makes the future of employees vulnerable. On top of that, the looming recession, that looms over our heads, wreaked havoc in the job sector.
Leading tech giants opted for the mass firing of employees. Starting from HP, the leading computer maker, many other leading tech giants fired their employees in an unprecedented way. From Amazon and Twitter to Microsoft, massive employee lay offd have become commonplace. In a nutshell, this period was not a good year for employees of all sectors.
Andrea / Pexels / With massive layoffs, the career of employees has been in jeopardy throughout the year 2022.
Recently, there is a new trend growing among employees. Called “Career Cushioning,” employees from all sectors are nervous about the massive layoffs and job cuts. To cope with this, employees are polishing their resumes and building their networks. According to a gallup survey on LinkedIn, 56% of employees are not happy with their current jobs. 42% of the participants asserted that they are in fear of being fired one day or the other.
This tells us the future of the workforce. If nothing, employees will quit their jobs for good. Upgrade their resumes, build their networks, and land their dream jobs. But there is a catch: it is easy said than done. The truth is that there are no massive job offers in the market. To add salt to the injuries, there is a flock of young graduates looking for new careers. They are all set to hit the market with their new skills.
Fauxels / Pexels / While employers think of cutting jobs, employees are thinking about Career Cushioning.
On the flip side, companies are firing their existing employees. Nothing wrong with the employees, they are loyal ones. But the problem is the looming recession that these corporates are afraid of. They simply can not keep up with it. Consequently, cutting off jobs is the only favorable option for these corporates.
What is Carrer Cushioning & Why Employees are Opting For It?
Career Cushioning is a novel term that is frequently used by employees across the U.S. The term refers to polishing one’s skills, updating resumes, and getting ready to land their dream job. A job where employees will make decent money without the fear of losing their jobs.
Fauxels / Pexels / Career Cushioning means updating one’s skills and landing one’s dream job.
However, it is essential to note here that a vast majority of employees - throughout the U.S. - are not happy with their current jobs. Either they are looking for a better position that aligns with their values. Or, they are looking for a ‘safe position,’ where their career is not at stake.
And this is what Career Cushioning is all about. Career advisors argue that Career Cushioning can play a pivotal role in deciding the future of the young American workforce. Certainly, employees will have to know the term and its implication to make the most out of it.