We wake up every day, go to work, sleep, and do it all over again. Holding down a job is not easy, there are just times that quitting seems like the best option. As a matter of fact, we always ask for a piece of advice from our peers and family on how to handle the adult life.
44% of the people quit their job because they don't like their boss
Not all advise are on the same level. Just like anything else, it’s in a spectrum where one advice is deemed more rational than the other. Since going to a career counselor can sometimes take out a part of our money, we end up scanning for relevant articles on the internet and here is one article that can surely help you dodge the most terrible, yet common career advises you always receive.
Get a graduate degree
Some fresh graduates always find themselves at the crossroads of being a career-person and being a student. We don’t always have concrete plans when we graduate and that’s why we apply for any position that is closely related to our fields.
It’s common that people will advise you to take a master’s degree to increase the chances of knowing which path to take and getting hired. A graduate degree is a very expensive endeavor and enrolling for it just so you can figure out what to do with your life is ill-fitted. Enrolling in a program will not serve as an assurance for landing a job, but applying tirelessly can.
Pay your dues
Paying your dues can still become a learning experience as long as it doesn't lead to exploitation
They always say that we have to pay our dues first before we can get the job that we want. Paying dues means working on a smaller salary, doing jobs that are not at all related to your job title like getting coffee, and become the company’s go-to runner. This doesn’t have to be the case all the time. You can weigh the scale if paying the dues will help you in your career or it’ll just keep you from greater things. And since there are already concrete labor laws, there are already many companies that will not treat you like an intern.
Make your passion your profession
For the most part, this is an honest-to-goodness advice, but it is not for everyone to follow. It’s not all the time that our passion can provide food on the table and can pay off our bills. There are also times when our passion doesn’t coincide with the talent/skill we have. If dancing is your passion but has two left feet, then it’s more likely that you’ll not arrive at the destination you had in mind. Take your skills, talents, and monetary need into account before getting into a job.
Never give up
You can quit a job that's prolonging you from reaching your goals
The phrase “fake it till you make it” is a very common advice we hear when we are already working. Quitting has a very negative image attached to it, which is why people would rather endure the stress than being labeled as a quitter. Having stressful days at work is very common, but it should not come to a point where it already has physical manifestations. Quitting a job that doesn’t serve a purpose in your life anymore is a better option than risking your own health for it. Quitting is not always negative, sometimes it shows grit, knowing that you have the strength to leave a job you no longer find purposeful even if it offers you security and comfort.
Be open to other options
Being open-minded is a good trait, but it still has boundaries. Opening yourself to a lot of options can blur out the things that you really love. It’s best to commit to a job that serves your purpose and makes all the stress worth it. Stick to what you are good at and try to improve your skills more. If you find meaning in taking care of patients, then put all your heart to it and be the best nurse out there. Opening your options may make you a jack-of-all-trades, but you will never become a master of one in the end.