Getting that well-deserved promotion after working tirelessly makes work more fulfilling. Most of us work hard to get recognized and be promoted in the organizational hierarchy. It's not easy getting to the top, but it sure is not easy being there as well. For some, promotions can mean a lot of things. It can mean more workload, more office hours, and less social life. On the other hand, it can mean higher pay and more benefits.
The survey shows that women have lesser chance to get office promotions.
Most people who have just been promoted or are on the way to having one find it difficult to adjust with his/her peers. This is especially true when the work peers will now become your subordinate. Those are the same people who you ranted and unloaded most of your work-related problems and bosses. Now that you are their new boss, it can surely bring pressure and tension in the workspace.
Here are some tips to help you achieve a smoother transition, especially when it involves your relationship with your teammates-now-turned-subordinates.
Talk to them
Communication is always the key in these settings. Since you were just part of the team, saying yes to your bosses, and spending time with your workmates, it's undeniable that there is a huge modification that has to be done. You have to talk to them that these changes have to be done or else it might not work. Know each other's expectations with the new setting, and make these as your guidelines. Understand that some of them are happy about your promotion while others are sad since they too have been working towards that. As soon as you get the news, let them know about it without being bossy and high.
Set ground rules
The dynamics of your relationship with your peers have now changed, you are now their boss and you are now in charge of their workloads. Let them know that the friendship doesn't necessarily have to change, but that doesn't mean they have to take you lightly. There should be a balance between being the boss and being the friend.
Be a reasonable and just boss to your new team.
You also have to let them know of what the things that need to be done are and how to do it. It's okay to make hard decisions as long as it is justifiable and is the right thing to do. It's also best that you shouldn't play favoritism since it can disrupt the harmony of the space. Worse, you can be stripped off from that promotion if you have proven yourself to be unjust and unprofessional with the other staffs.
Be who you are
There are many employees who instantly change the moment they move upwards to the corporate ladder. This doesn't have to be you. It's okay to celebrate and congratulate yourself for the hard work you have done but never gloat. It can be tempting to be at the top, but it can also be lonely up there. Getting promoted is not an assurance of happiness, it's just a factor of it and it doesn't last long. Not all changes are good, especially if you are turning into a bossy man in the office.
Learn more
Just because you have been given a new title, a separate office, and a salary increase means you have to stop aiming for the stars. If you have been given that opportunity, treasure it by improving yourself more. Invest in learning more things in the company and always try your best to handle the responsibilities that are placed on your shoulders. You are not just doing the company a favor, but you are also helping yourself grow, personally and professionally.
Maintain professionalism even if a frustrating situation exists
Promotion can be a very pivotal moment for almost all of us that are working. It gives a sense of fulfillment knowing that despite the many candidates vying for the position, it was given to you. Promotions can be difficult most of the time, especially if you have left most of your friends to where you all used to stand. It can be a challenge but nothing is too big with the right amount of communication, trust, and transparency.