Most job listings clearly state, “do not call please.”
However, many of us are impatient and wonder how much we should wait for a certain job before following up with it. We are even uncertain about the response we will get in return as many firms do not appreciate phone calls.
Pixabay |It is hard to wait around for a call-back
Given below are a few tips and suggestions that could come in handy in this uncertain scenario.
Is it okay to follow up?
Auerbach clarifies the mistaken assumption that by “no phone calls,” a company means that you should not disturb the staff by calling up to discuss your interests or to ask unnecessary details about the job or the company. Calling to follow up on the progress of your application after you have already applied is definitely fine.
In fact, if you believe that you were a perfect fit for that job and a competitive applicant and are awaiting a reply, calling up to inquire about some basic details is your right. Even if the job opening would have already been filled by some other employee, there are chances that they might consider you for another job opening.
Pixabay |Calling the company is completely acceptable
How soon should you follow up?
Since you don’t want to sound impatient, waiting for at least two weeks after the application is what Marvin Arts Jr., a career consultant, suggests. This would give the recruitment manager enough time to run through all the applications and shortlist further procedures. Therefore, it would allow them to give you a more definite answer instantly rather than asking you to wait further or suggest you call back on a later date.
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What is the best way to contact?
The best way recommended by Arts is to reach out through email. Arts states that the human resource department or the recruitment staff does not have enough time to deal with inquiries of job seekers while they have enough responsibilities of managing staff and catering to emergency vacancies.
In such a busy schedule, a call might seem rude or pushy. However, an email will serve to be a more polite way to approach and allow you to write enough details about your inquiry. The hiring staff can read your query in their downtime and patiently answer you appropriately.
Given the pandemic circumstances, one is justified to be restless to know whether they should wait for the applied position or continue with their job hunt. However, waiting patiently would be the best option. If you still haven’t heard from the company for over two weeks, follow up through an email or call. If you get a response in the affirmative, then you’re good to go, but if you are turned down, then don’t lose hope as this was not the last available opening suitable for you.