Many young working adults in the United States carry the heavy burden of paying their student loans even before they graduated. While these student loans were beneficial to the students because they helped finish our education and earn a college degree, paying it back after the graduation is hard. Most young people are now working themselves to the point of exhaustion just to pay for their loans. This has become the nightmare for fresh graduates that prevents from enjoying a job and more importantly, the hard-earned salary.
But what if we tell you that you can automatically get a $5000 student loan grant by just moving to Ohio?
Ohio City is now offering a $5000 student loan grant! Grab this golden opportunity now!
The city of Hamilton in Ohio opens up about the idea of offering up to $5000 as a downpayment for students to help them pay their student loans by just moving to the city. The Hamilton Journal news revealed that this offer was known as the "reverse scholarship" and it was endorsed by the City Council of Hamilton itself. The city council will collaborate with a nonprofit organization called the Hamilton Community Foundation which will handle the implementation and administration of the said program.
Students Get Trapped With Their Loans and Debts
The program will be open to all US students, as long as they are willing to move to Hamilton. They also need to have graduated within the last seven years from courses ranging in Arts, Engineering, Math, Science, and Technology. Lastly, they currently must have more than $5000 loan debts to be eligible for the said program.
The Reverse Scholarship Payment System
Hamilton Community Foundation will Administer the Said Program
The payment of $5000 student loan grant will be provided by installments of $200 each. This means that you may have to stay for more than 2 years in order to get the full $5000 loan grant to pay your student loans fees. After that, you can save up to pay your remaining balance. But what about those who wished to move out while the program is currently ongoing? Well, the city may have to forfeit your future payments and you need to shoulder on your remaining student loan balance. For those who are interested in the program, the application will start on March 5, 2018.
The Hamilton City Council Hopes To Help the Students while Helping Them Contribute to the Community
When asked why the City Council of Hamilton took the initiative and funded a program like this, they stated that they acknowledge the growing burden of paying hefty amounts of student loans carried by our valued students. This holds the workforce industry from flourishing because these fresh graduates are forced to get stuck with a bad job or a job they don't like for the sake of high income. Instead of finding the right job that satisfies them and are in line with their knowledge and expertise.
Their primary basis for accepting a job is the salary income because they're trapped with paying their loans. Because of this, job mismatch emerged which causes the setback in the workforce industry. The City Council of Hamilton wishes to alleviate the student's burden and suffering by offering this loan grant. They also want the students to experience working and living in a Hamilton city. This creates more job opportunities for the city which, in turn, can boost the city's economy.
Should You Take the Offer or Not?
If you're struggling with paying your debts, then we recommend you to take this golden opportunity to take the loan grant. Moving to completely new and strange city may be hard at first, but we're confident that you'll manage. You won't be able to see another opportunity or city that is willing to spend $5000 just to pay your student debts. Besides, it's also a perfect opportunity for you to gain experience and practice your course while working in a Hamilton community.
Be Debt Free While Working in a Hamilton Community
So, what are you waiting for? Start working on your CV and preparing your documents and credentials right now and submit it to the Hamilton City council (or the foundation) right away! The sooner you submit your application, the better! They’ll be able to process your application and see it first against your competitors. Thus, increasing your chances of qualifying for the said program.