McDonald's hails as the number one fast food chain in the world. In fact, we grew up eating its delicious Mac and Cheeseburger, french fries, and chicken meals that became a huge part of our lives. Sometimes, we even go to McDonald's to celebrate special events like birthdays and reunions.
We've also grown to love its iconic logo that symbolized our favorite fast food chain. However, yesterday, McDonald's surprised their fans when they flipped their iconic logo for a quite unexpected reason!
McDonalds Honors The Power and Role of Women in the Society
McDonald's iconic logo turned upside down in honor of International Women's Day
Last Thursday, McDonald's local franchisee in Lynwood, California, turned their infamous golden arches logo upside down to become letter W. The people passing by wondered whether it was a prank or a careless mistake. However, it turned out that wasn't the case. McDonalds' representative revealed that flipping their logo was intentional to celebrate the "International Women's Day".
The local franchisee of the said branch, Patricia Williams, was the one who started the whole fiasco and all of McDonald's social media networks like Instagram and Twitter followed suit. Other franchises decided to keep it simple by giving shirts, bag stuffers, hats, and special packaging not only to their women employees but to their women customers as well.
McDonald's global CEO Wendy Lewis also revealed that this was the first time they have flipped their symbolic McDonalds logo to honor the women on this special day. Which seemed fitting considering how women made extraordinary and exemplary contributions to change the world we currently live in. You can now see women everywhere, working and striving hard to reach their dreams and goals in life.
CEO Wendy Lewis recognized the role of women in driving the McDonald’s franchise to its huge success
Gone are the days where women are only defined by their ability to stay in the house as housewives, serving their husband and children. Today, women continue to make powerful accomplishments, even taking up the highest positions in the country, to inspire others in becoming the best versions of themselves. Lewis also stated how women play a vital role in the success of their franchise. Ranging from restaurant crews up to the high C-level positions, she reiterated how women were always committed to success.
Citizens Criticized McDonald's Commemoration Gesture as a "Hollow Move"
However, not all people got amused by the public stint of McDonald's. Some citizens commented that while it was a good move, next time, they should try harder. They questioned how McDonald's have the guts to celebrate women empowerment when they’re depriving their employees of the benefits they deserved. Some of them questioned the employee’s living wage, and how McDonald's was adamant in giving a better Family Leave Benefit package to them.
Other Giant Brands Celebrating the IWD in Their Own Way
Meanwhile, giant brands like Old Navy and Barbie installed floral decorations around its NYC headquarters to pay tribute to the women of the past like Joan of Arc, Golda Meir, Eleanor Roosevelt, Gertrude Stein, and Harriet Tubman who brought great and meaningful changes throughout the history. They also released a special limited edition of “International Women’s Day” t-shirt.
Old Navy and Barbie Unveils Special T-shirt Design to Honor Women on this Special Day
Nike, on the other hand, released a new ad starring the Tennis Superstar Serena Williams. Williams started her spiel by stating how people criticized her for not acting right as the prim and proper woman. However, Williams realized that there's no right or wrong way to become a woman, other than being YOU. Never be afraid of showing who you are and what you’re capable of because that is the true essence of being a woman. Start making a difference by conquering your dreams.
The tech-giant company Facebook also released IWD-themed photo frames for our profile pictures. The users can also input custom texts on the backgrounds to express their thoughts on this special day. Last but not the least, the ride-sharing company Uber released a video ad dedicated to Asian markets debunking the myths about female drivers. These female drivers emphasized that women can also drive efficiently and do what men can.