When it comes to the workplace, it’s the Wild, Wild West. Everyone is super competitive for the few opportunities available. It is no longer sufficient for those of us seeking that promotion. At times, it seems that the successful stumble is upon a stroke of serendipity on their way to the top.
A more logical way to look at the big picture would be by taking a keen interest in the little nuances employers adore among employees. Confidence is, of course, a must-have virtue. However, the combination of skills and experience takes the practice of a little-known skill.
Emotional Intelligence is perhaps the skill we were never taught at school
Experts have named the ‘emotional intelligence’ as the skill of the future. Emotional intelligence is a term widely used by psychological researchers in describing the ability of individuals to deal with their own emotions and their perception of others.
For anyone to be termed as being emotionally intelligent, they need to have a balance of the whole package. This means consistency when tested on various phenomena like flexibility, self-awareness, reality discernment, optimism levels, social skills, motivation, empathy, self-management, and problem-solving skills.
Achieving a good emotional intelligence quotient needs individuals to learn the art of balancing between emotional and logical thinking. Different situations call for different measures. Getting to understand where the line lines and how to tread carefully in between the margins, takes a lot of work.
Inside the Minds of Employers
A 2011 Career Builder survey composed of more than 2,600 human resource personnel was quite revealing. 71% of them valued emotional intelligence scores over IQ whilst 75 % quipped that they were more inclined to promote individuals who had higher emotional intelligence scores compared to their IQ.
According to Employers, Emotional Intelligence always trumps IQ any day of the week
While IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is obtained by assessing human intelligence by using standardized tests, it’s not quite effective in the workplace. On the other hand, emotional intelligence is a better measure of telling just how effective individuals are to handle varied situations.
Most employers love versatile individuals who are headstrong yet flexible in their school of thought. Striking the balance is what differentiates the great and the not-so-great. The potential for greatness is obviously a very attractive trait for employers.
That Next Promotion
In order to rise higher up the ladder, anticipation is the name of the game. By being able to perceive just what employers want, we can set ourselves up to achieve our wildest of dreams.
All it takes is a little practice in a couple of areas. There’s a reason emotional intelligence has long been touted as being a soft skill. More employers are looking for qualified individuals who fit the bill of being emotionally intelligent and in tune with the expectations.
Must have traits
Individuals who are able to handle pressure whilst keeping their emotions in check, are highly sought by employers. Remaining poised in the face of adversity is a sure way to impress upon our bosses even when presented with hurdles that seem impossible to overcome.
Emotional Intelligence involves striking a balance between logic and emotion
Owning up to mistakes is a quality most employees don’t possess. By taking responsibility for our actions, we give the impression that we’re always looking to improve ourselves. Self-improvement involves the ability to take punches whilst on the go.
A big ego is good for self-improvement but a massively enlarged one is not recommended for teamwork. By appreciating and responding positively to feedback, whether they are plaudits or critiques, we can get to show that we value what others have to say about what we do. The trick to achieving this balance lies in assuming that everyone has our own best interests at heart. It’s a perfect way to think and live in the moment.
Showing empathy can at times become tricky. Most of us are trained to never go easy on underperformance. It’s a great mantra to live by. However, at times, context is quite essential in getting to understand the root causes of situations that baffle us. By showing a sense of empathy, we can ably win points that may see us make that trip towards greater heights. It’s the simple things that count the most.